Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Everybody Needs Some Help, Sometime

This song goes out to all who helped me during my latest transition, whether in thought, patience, understanding, compassion, action, love, healing, invitation, warmth, insight, direction, etc.

More importantly, this song goes out to anyone and everyone who believes he or she is alone and cannot count on the kindness of strangers and friends. That you are alone, is a lie. It will always be a lie. You are never alone, and you can always ask for help, even if you have to ask 100 people to get that help. ASK. And keep asking, without forgetting to take care of yourself along the way.

You are not alone.

Thank you to all my friends. You are the stitching that holds the fabric of my life together in ways that turn out to be how I keep myself warm, sheltered, and embraced when I least expect it.

I love you.

(scroll down, click the PLAY button, and sing along with the lyrics and your heart)


I wish that I'd arrived a little sooner -
You really should have called
we'd have come here right away
You tried to help yourself but you got it wrong

You've thrown yourself
Into the flames 'cause you're covered in cold
But these are your friends
They give out a nice warm glow

You've tried so hard to see for yourself
Your perspective is wrong
These are your friends
Let them come guide you on

Listen now - now's the time to listen
There're lessons to be learned
I've seen this before in my own life
You feel covered up, removed from the world around you
With all your senses dulled you'd do anything to feel
You tried to help yourself, but you got it wrong

You've thrown yourself
Into the flames 'cause you're covered in cold
But these are your friends
They give out a nice warm glow

What have you done? You're cutting your cord
You're floating in space
But these are your friends
They'll be your star-map home

Everybody needs some help sometimes



Anonymous said...

That was sweet, Troy. A gentle reminder that we are Not alone on the journey. These words of the lyrics talked to me:

What have you done? You're cutting your cord
You're floating in space
But these are your friends
They'll be your star-map home

Everybody needs some help sometimes

Keep on keeping on; we'll all get there. luv, a friend

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty much a lurker on your blog, but I read it regularly because I have never read such poetic rawness and your ability to live life while reaching out to others is a lesson in itself. You don't even know me but you inspire me more than I could express. You amaze me. You just amaze me. I read many passages from your blog and your web site to my friends and family because there are words and phrases you say all along the way that make a difference in someones life. I think I might speak for others who read your blog silently and I think you have saved more lives than you will ever know. Or at the very least you have made them smile or laugh through the sharing of your struggles and triumphs. Thank you.


CocteauBoy said...

Thank you, anonymous friend and Chris... I don't know if I know either of you, but thank you. The interesting thing is that none of my friends have written a response to this entry! LOL!

Oh well...


Anonymous said...

Hi Troy!

I am glad all is well, and it is good that you know that you are not alone.

Many of us are thinking of you, hoping that the move was going well according to plan.

It is just nice to know that you are safe and sound, and that slowly things will go back to normal for you.

Do keep us posted on life in your new place!

